Saturday, 13 February 2010

Look, this isnt cheating

So yeah Im going to re-post a video today from a while back, its still my favourite video, not in terms of content but just in terms of how i filmed it and the fact it actually worked. I think I need to make more videos like this, showing the monotony of life, because I've gone down a different field recently, which isn't really doing it for me. The different angles make it a lot more interesting but because they are all still there is still the definition that you don't get in some of my newer videos.

Ive came to the conclusion that it needs to be the content that moves and not the camera for it to be a successful stop motion video, or at least if the camera did move it would have to be gradual and something that takes more time, maybe that's my problem when adding movement, I get bored and distracted easily so I tend to do things that won't take that much time so I will pay attention and hopefully do them well. So maybe until I can give it the time to do it well, I'll keep the camera still with just different angles.

Anyway, I'm reposting this video with music, from burial and it adds a lot more to it I think, giving it a different feel. What I also like about this video which has been pointed out to me, is that my reflection in the kettle, is like a self portrait and I like that a lot.

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