Tuesday 23 February 2010

Windows Part Two


So I mentioned my idea for this work maybe sometime last week, maybe even before that and I've finally got round to playing around with the idea. I started by using my DSLR and my tripod, but found I was getting to no avail, trying to be sneaky with a tripod isn't good and it was too dark to work without one and it just wasn't getting anywhere. So I tried some images with my iphone and even though it has a lousy camera the loss in quality in my opinion works to the images favours, I still had to be pretty sneaky as it does seem a bit odd still walking around holding a phone in the direction of someones house but it was much easier and I felt the images where coming out better. Because theres no flash it made much darker blacks and just picked up the colours, which is much more what I wanted to achieve. The images don't look amazing on the computer but put together like this I think they make a good piece of work. 

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